Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Garden Guy

   The wonderful Alex Devoid left Tekoa 2 weeks ago for mission work training and camp was left with out a Garden Guy. A few phone calls later and a little begging with my parents and I am back at Tekoa.

It's crazy, almost every group scheduled for garden time, which has me stoked beyond reason. But hey, it is something to be excited about:) Some days there are large blocks of time that I dont have a group which allows me to go hang out with other c\groups and spend time with all the campers and I love it.

Coming back to camp this week has been a different experience than my 4 weeks as a CIT. Its got its pros and cons, for one i feel like an individual and like I've got my own niche now, a specialty of sorts. I do miss my CITs though and Aaron not being here kind of leaves a hole. When it's all acounted for though it's safe to say that this is my best week here so far:) I have had wonderful oppurtunitites to get to know all the staff better and i think im making more friendships that will last longer than my stay here at camp.

When the groups come down for garden they can usually find me flipping the compost pile or sitting in my old wooden chair between the sunflowers. After a nice greeting (ususally in a british accent that i maintian through their visit) we walk up to the rainy day shelter where they grab a recycled soda can and scrap it on the concrete until WUH-LAH they have a pot to plant a seed :) We then walk back down to the garden, fill their pots with dirt, add a little seed and water and write their initials on the bottom. After that we amble over to the compost pile, go over some fun facts and i let them flip the compost if they want to.  Then they play a game identifying garden plants which tends to be a very humbling experience for them, i offer them raw greenbeans to taste, and finally we head up to the grove for a devotion. I must say I have been overwhelmed by the campers enthusiasim. Taking the position i conditioned myself to be prepared for moans of dissent and looks of boredom but the kids have wowed me, they are eager to plant greenbeans, they know more plants than i would have credited them and seem to be pretty active at home as far as gardening and recycling goes. Maybe to old ways arent lost after all !

Finally, I need to say that camp has some new staff since i left. Actually they are the new CIT's and before i came back up I felt a little replaced, even before meeting them. I SHOULDVE NEVER  FELT THAT WAY...COLBY,EMMA, MORGAN, HALEY and WIL are amazing! They are so good with the kids and great people in general, I just regret that i havent had more time to spend with them. I know they are going to do great and with such a promising staff I believe Tekoa is only going to grow over the next few years. Well thats all I have to say,

                                           Love, Chastan