We celebrate a holiday dedicated to gratitude. Today I scrolled through my news feed on facebook and gawked at the unending line of "I'm thankful for...." statuses. Beyond the superficial words posted on a website, was there any true appreciation given. Did you say I love you to someone you would other wise refrain from telling, did you tell your parents thank you for everything they do, did you sit outside and admire the beauty of creation and think of how LUCKY WE are to live in such a beautiful creation. I didn't. I was too caught up in what this holiday has become. I was too busy stuffing my face, when thousands of children are starving. I was too busy lounging on a couch while millions are homeless. Now, with less than 5 hours remaining in this holiday I am trying to make amends, I'm giving to those who are less fortuneate and i'm telling all those I see how close to my heart they really are.
EVEN IF we did spend all day in reflection on how lucky we are and how grateful we should be, this day still would not be what it should. Thanksgiving should be like communion, a day to remeber and reafirm what we believe in. We should use this day to REFRESH our gratitude. We should give thanks EVERY DAY, today shouldnt be a step out of the ordinary. I challenge you, as I am cahllenging myself to continue giving thanks, our scenario doesnt change day by day, and neither should our gratitude.