Lately I have had this running joke with people that I am a sorry buisnessman. They ask how so, knowing me and knowing that hard core work and the white collar job have never really been in my life. I go into an explanation showing the metaphor between friends and investments and how like an investment, if a friendship succeeds or fails you gain ten fold or loose your life savings. I say I am a sorry Investor because I have bad habits, one in particular. I have a tendency to place all my hopes, my trust, my love in a small concentrated group of people. This method has limited success UNTIL (dramatic music) you and one of your close friends have a falling out. Unlike someone who gives a little to alot, I give alot to a little and when a person is removed from the scenario, the damage is staggering. Over the past few weeks I have had some friendship problems on the bestfriend level, and It has killed me on the inside. Being on bad terms with the one person you feel like you can share/do anything with is like fighting with yourself. It's hurt me to the point where I have reconsidered my friendship startegy, my method of "investing", and I have thought about he alternative, investing a little in a lot.
After I did some reading I realized, that is not what I am supposed to do. Jesus wants us to love unconditionally. He wants me to invest as much as I do In one person in EVERYONE. He wants me to give EVERYONE my undivided attention, my love, my kindness, my everything. As followers of Christ we should strive to be the ultimate investors. As followers of Christ we should model our investments after the one who invested EVERYTHING and recieved NOTHING. We should give relentlessly, give everything we are to everyone. As Christians we need to make the investment.