Friday, July 8, 2011

A somber homecoming

You sit by her side as she sleeps
flawlessly unaware of the time that you keep
keep on waiting
not giving up
but as the hours turn to days
and the days turn to weeks
he remains by her side
and she remains asleep
prayers from a thousand
are the only comforts he knows
as time slows
A tear rolls down his cheek
as memories of her are pulled from the deep
and reality rushes down
like the weight of the world
he realizes he doesnt love anyone
more than this girl
but as the hours turn to days
and the days turn to weeks
he remains by her side
and she remains asleep
prayers from a thousand
are the only comforts he knows
as time slows
she held him as a child
cheered for him from the stands
for 16 years she held him close
and nows shes letting go
but he’s gonna stay a while
and not het go of her hand
he loves her more than anyone knows
more than anyone can understand.
As the sun rose
so did her soul
A new star in the night
an angel mid-flight
She let go
and found eternal life
Now and angel, a loving mother and a wife

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