Thursday, December 1, 2011

Investing at an early age

Lately I have had this running joke with people that I am a sorry buisnessman. They ask how so, knowing me and knowing that hard core work and the white collar job have never really been in my life. I go into an explanation showing the metaphor between friends and investments and how like an investment, if a friendship succeeds or fails you gain ten fold or loose your life savings. I say I am a sorry Investor because I have bad habits, one in particular. I have a tendency to place all my hopes, my trust, my love in a small concentrated group of people. This method has limited success UNTIL (dramatic music) you and one of your close friends have a falling out. Unlike someone who gives a little to alot, I give alot to a little and when a person is removed from the scenario, the damage is staggering. Over the past few weeks I have had some friendship problems on the bestfriend level, and It has killed me on the inside. Being on bad terms with the one person you feel like you can share/do anything with is like fighting with yourself. It's hurt me to the point where I have reconsidered my friendship startegy, my method of "investing", and I have thought about he alternative, investing a little in a lot.
After I did some reading I realized, that is not what I am supposed to do. Jesus wants us to love unconditionally. He wants me to invest as much as I do In one person in EVERYONE. He wants me to give EVERYONE my undivided attention, my love, my kindness, my everything. As followers of Christ we should strive to be the ultimate investors. As followers of Christ we should model our investments after the one who invested EVERYTHING and recieved NOTHING. We should give relentlessly, give everything we are to everyone. As Christians we need to make the investment.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Give Thanks

We celebrate a holiday dedicated to gratitude. Today I scrolled through my news feed on facebook and gawked at the unending line of "I'm thankful for...." statuses. Beyond the superficial words posted on a website, was there any true appreciation given. Did you say I love you to someone you would other wise refrain from telling, did you tell your parents thank you for everything they do, did you sit outside and admire the beauty of creation and think of how LUCKY WE are to live in such a beautiful creation. I didn't. I was too caught up in what this holiday has become. I was too busy stuffing my face, when thousands of children are starving. I was too busy lounging on a couch while millions are homeless. Now, with less than 5 hours remaining in this holiday I am trying to make amends, I'm giving to those who are less fortuneate and i'm telling all those I see how close to my heart they really are.
        EVEN IF we did spend all day in reflection on how lucky we are and how grateful we should be, this day still would not be what it should. Thanksgiving should be like communion, a day to remeber and reafirm what we believe in. We should use this day to REFRESH our gratitude. We should give thanks EVERY DAY, today shouldnt be a step out of the ordinary. I challenge you, as I am cahllenging myself to continue giving thanks, our scenario doesnt change day by day, and neither should our gratitude.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The logical thing is to let go of logic

I find myself in a time of my life where I question my own reasoning. I frequently yield to logic, even when my heart protests, because in my mind logic will not fail you when your heart will. You can always explain a situation,decision,action  logically but is every instance a logical one? Are there not times when your heart speaks truer than your mind? Where does logic play a role in love, whatever kind of love it may be. How can your mind tell you not to pursue that girl who has given you butterflies since you met her, how can your mind explain the miracles in your life if God is not a probable explanation due to insignificant evidence, or how can your mind justify the passions that well inside of you at the slightest provocation? It is simple, it cant. For too long I have yielded to logic in matters where my heart should dominate, because in these matters it is your heart that will suffer if you make the wrong decision. Right now I am holding on dearly to something that my mind has deemed too costly but my heart has deemed it necessary. What am I going to do? I know it may be the biggest cliche in the book but I am going to follow my heart. Cliches wouldnt be so common if they didnt hold truth. If you get the chance to let go, let go of your mind and live through your heart. Not all the time, but enough time to really enjoy the pieces of this earth that deserve passion.

What a Quote

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As longs as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.
              - Anne Frank

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More than one kind of mountain.

I titled this blog Mons Viator (mountain traveler) because of the unusually high amount of time I was planning on spending in the mountains this past summer. From Tekoa to Mount Rogers to Smith Mountain Lake... I traveled some mountains, let me tell ya. Sitting at home now, well into fall, I have encountered a wonderful double meaning to the term "Mons Viator". Although I am not physically at the summit of some peak or in the shaded valley of Sam's Knob I still am surrounded by mountains. Decisions that loom above me, choices that require sacrifice, goals that demand time; they are all mountains of a sort. Everyone has mountians, everyone is a "mons viator".
My point to this rambling is that we all have mountains, and at some point in time they are going to be intimidating. We will stand in that valley and look at the overpowering issue before us and want to give up, but we CAN'T. From all of my experience hiking I have come to realize that the view from the top of the mountain is always worth the work it takes to get to the top. God didnt create the panoramic views for us to idle blindly in the valley, nor did he give us the ability to achieve great things just to watch us waste away. Whatever your mountain is, face it. You won't regret it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Garden Guy

   The wonderful Alex Devoid left Tekoa 2 weeks ago for mission work training and camp was left with out a Garden Guy. A few phone calls later and a little begging with my parents and I am back at Tekoa.

It's crazy, almost every group scheduled for garden time, which has me stoked beyond reason. But hey, it is something to be excited about:) Some days there are large blocks of time that I dont have a group which allows me to go hang out with other c\groups and spend time with all the campers and I love it.

Coming back to camp this week has been a different experience than my 4 weeks as a CIT. Its got its pros and cons, for one i feel like an individual and like I've got my own niche now, a specialty of sorts. I do miss my CITs though and Aaron not being here kind of leaves a hole. When it's all acounted for though it's safe to say that this is my best week here so far:) I have had wonderful oppurtunitites to get to know all the staff better and i think im making more friendships that will last longer than my stay here at camp.

When the groups come down for garden they can usually find me flipping the compost pile or sitting in my old wooden chair between the sunflowers. After a nice greeting (ususally in a british accent that i maintian through their visit) we walk up to the rainy day shelter where they grab a recycled soda can and scrap it on the concrete until WUH-LAH they have a pot to plant a seed :) We then walk back down to the garden, fill their pots with dirt, add a little seed and water and write their initials on the bottom. After that we amble over to the compost pile, go over some fun facts and i let them flip the compost if they want to.  Then they play a game identifying garden plants which tends to be a very humbling experience for them, i offer them raw greenbeans to taste, and finally we head up to the grove for a devotion. I must say I have been overwhelmed by the campers enthusiasim. Taking the position i conditioned myself to be prepared for moans of dissent and looks of boredom but the kids have wowed me, they are eager to plant greenbeans, they know more plants than i would have credited them and seem to be pretty active at home as far as gardening and recycling goes. Maybe to old ways arent lost after all !

Finally, I need to say that camp has some new staff since i left. Actually they are the new CIT's and before i came back up I felt a little replaced, even before meeting them. I SHOULDVE NEVER  FELT THAT WAY...COLBY,EMMA, MORGAN, HALEY and WIL are amazing! They are so good with the kids and great people in general, I just regret that i havent had more time to spend with them. I know they are going to do great and with such a promising staff I believe Tekoa is only going to grow over the next few years. Well thats all I have to say,

                                           Love, Chastan

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Just got home from yet another MOUNTAIN TRAVEL today because after all, i am a MONS VIATOR(MOUNTAIN TRAVELER) hahah but anyways

A few months ago me and the Family decided we wanted to backpack and coincidentally carrie's father was pushing for a backpacking trip with her youth group through a methodist organization called Wilderness Trail. last week end his idea materialized as we drove up 421 headed for Damascus, Virginia.

The mount Rogers area is spectacular, full of picturesque views of rolling ridges, grassy highlands and wild ponies:) When we reached the property we met our group leaders, who were both phenomenal leaders. Throughout the day we bonded on the Group Building Course and held conversation sitting in the front porch rockers. Worship followed a hot meal, we sandg songs of priase that i was unfamiliar with....but within seconds i was flapping my arms like a fool and singing at the top of my lungs because i realized, " this is God we are singing about, who cares if i stumble, as long as im singing loud fromt he bottom of my heart :) " The next day was prep time for the hike, we assembled our pack and tents ( i used a hammock, SCORE) and that night walked up the HILL to the outdoor chapel. Now this chapel was a place that carrie had spoken of with wonderful praise and to be honest i thought she must be exagerating. As we topped the hill and rounded the trees i just stopped in my tracks and gasped. Infront of me stood a towering cross, and whitetop mountain stood as a glorious backdrop, splashed by the fading rays of the setting sun. We held worship and communion and in the end were at the verge of tears, the glory of God was around us and most importantly in us.

Tuesday morning we woke to a cacaphony of noise, grabbed and packs and headed out. We started hiking on the iron mountian trail, once a part of the AT, it was removed due to lack of scenery and rightly so. Before lunch we pickeup two odd hitch hikers.... 2 dogs, waldo and wolfgang. After  anear fight to the death several hours later, we let them go their own way, glad to be rid of their bipolar behavior. haha That afternoon we stumbled across some treasure ina mountain meadow...surrounding a spring were the biggest blackberry vines ive ever seen. Naturally I grabbed my owl and filled 'er up.

Wednesday we continued on the iron mountain and found ourselves climbing a series of ridge tops. After lunch we descended into a nice valley, filled with laurel, and followed a creek. (crossed it 11 times) at the mouth of the valley we intercepted the A. T. and continued to follow it to our campsite, pirates paradise. The campsite butted up to  the virginina creeper multiuse trail and was a gorgeous place. Across the VCT was a big creek and our guide James led us to the swimming hole, fully equipped with a 15 foot jumping rock.( the highlight of the trip)

Thursday was tough.... we hiked up the backside of straigh mountain( i assume it's name comes from the fact that when you hike up it you are litterally going STRAIGHT up) 17 switchbacks later we made it to the top, excited to see some glorious views. NOPE, just TREES. After eating lunch in a swamp we descended straigh mountain and found our campsite ironically sitting next to the VCT, (probably an easy walk from the campsite from the nightbefore) We had a made a giant Horse shoe over mountains down them, for nada.

Friday i wake in my hammock, and look up at the splendid blue ske, spotted with nice puffy white clouds. It was a GREAT day to hike. All week me and carrie had been bummed about the lack of views and carrie just wanted to see rocck strewn fields in particular. The night before, our junior staff let it slip that we were headed to whitetop in the morning and we were all pumped, we were finally getting what we had been waiting for. Five hours later we were almost on whitetop, that is, with our packs on the ground, sopping wet as lightning crackled through the ir so close that the thunder almost preceded the flash. After an hour of that mass, it finally let up, with our moods diminsihed we made the final bound to buzzard rock. As i walked out of the shelter of the trees my spirits soared, i walke din awe as i saw 7 states unfold around me. I quickly sped past my fellow hikers and ascended buzzard rock. It was surreal, i felt like i was standing on the threshold of heaven and hell. To my left, the grayson highlands were dark and foreboding as arcs of pink lighting pounded the ridgetops relentlessly, and to my right, blue sky was revealed and the suns golden rays illuminated the receeding thunderheads. The peaks floated on a sea of low hanging clouds that drifted in their laurel valleys. It was magnificent. That night's campsite was subpar and the cold set in to our soaked skin. Overall it wasnt a pleasent eavening, although the mmood was lightened by the promise of dry clothess.

Saturday came with the encouragement of comfort waiting for us at the lodge. Once our final 2 mile hike was completed we loaded the van and headed back to the property. Our day of rest ended with another trip to the chapel where tears glistended on our cheeks like the stras of the sky. Praise God.

Sunday morning we left bright and early and now, this evening i sit here at home with my family, who i have dearly missed, already recounting the tales of the past week.

3rd in a Group :)

So, this is really behind but i felt like i could not ignore my last week at Camp Tekoa. My 4th week as a cit i was 3rd in a group, which means that i assisted two FGLs (family group Leaders) with a single group for the week's entirity. I was paired with two AMAZING counselors, Moises and Aislinn:) I feel like they need a little backgrounding themselves... Aislinn was a wonderful co-buddy. She was so reserved and laid back and i Learned from example not to sweat the small stuff, something that she has mastered. Moises, an international stafff form the Dominican Republic, spread the light of christ better than most anyone ive ever met. He was jovial 24/7, it was ridiculous how much patience he had! hahah i loved him for it though, and he made our group run smoothly. Now onto the Group...:))) I had middle school, and the were a true blessing. Consisiting of 9 girls and 6 boys the group had just about every social dynamic possible. There were the socialites, the introverts, the egocentrics, the perfectionist, the apparently deaf and distracted, the lizard hunter and one incredibly huge heart.
      At first, staying with the boys allt he time was hectic. I had o opportunity to withdraw, to save my sanity. But then through watching moises and how he dealt with the small issues that i had unknowingly transformed into mountains I began to relax, and understand how being an FGL worked. There is no clock work involved, the idealistic structure gives way when inconvienences arrive and through all the valleys you have to keep your head up.  The first two days i exhausted myself with petty things like "quit chasing that lizard" or " your bead isnt straight" and then i realized these kids are 11 years old. Yeah theyre gong into middle school and are approaching that change in maturity but they are STILL kids, who will ignore you, not hear you but in the end irrevocably love you. AND that if i build individual bonds with each of them they will respect me and i will respect them. So as the week progressed i formed with these campers and in turn they started listening, because they liked me and they wanted to make me happy. Its a beautiful cycle that just continues to grow as more love is added.

Leaving was difficult, saying goodbye to the campers was almost as hard as saying goodbye to the staff who i have formed unbelievable friendships with over the past 4 weeks. But somehow im comforted, knowing that next year without a doubt i will be driving up thomas road again, because camp tekoa has become home, my spiritual home, and this is just the begining.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A somber homecoming

You sit by her side as she sleeps
flawlessly unaware of the time that you keep
keep on waiting
not giving up
but as the hours turn to days
and the days turn to weeks
he remains by her side
and she remains asleep
prayers from a thousand
are the only comforts he knows
as time slows
A tear rolls down his cheek
as memories of her are pulled from the deep
and reality rushes down
like the weight of the world
he realizes he doesnt love anyone
more than this girl
but as the hours turn to days
and the days turn to weeks
he remains by her side
and she remains asleep
prayers from a thousand
are the only comforts he knows
as time slows
she held him as a child
cheered for him from the stands
for 16 years she held him close
and nows shes letting go
but he’s gonna stay a while
and not het go of her hand
he loves her more than anyone knows
more than anyone can understand.
As the sun rose
so did her soul
A new star in the night
an angel mid-flight
She let go
and found eternal life
Now and angel, a loving mother and a wife

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Mixed Bag

So it's thursday July 7th, and i cant believe how fast time flies. I am almost 3/4ths of the way done with my CIT program and haveno inclination to leave. Although my home is in Belews Creek I  have come to realize that camp Tekoa is also my home, but its different, it's my spiritual home. It's like the boat, in the middle of the storm, untouched, because Jesus is here.
     Since i got back from Lake Nantahala Ive been doing support staff roles, all exciting and to make it even better it is barnabus week so i have had the wonderful oppurtunity to work with autisitc campers. They have taught me so much, and their happiness is contagious. Seeing the special friends giving up all of their time to be with one of these campers is amazing, and i admire them for their unbelievable service. Britton and I had a garden group yesterday and I really wasnt sure how receptive the kids were going to be. Yet again, I was amazed, they actually had to be told that time was up and were asked to leave with questions unanswered. It makes me smile knowing that we as a community and nation have a generation of environmentally conscious  people coming up. LOOK OUT WORLD :).
    As I mentioned earlier, I feel like im in the boat and the storm is raging. Although everything is great here, this week has brought bad news. A friend from home lost her boyfriend this weekend, and his younger brother, victims of a drunk boating accident. A camper took a wrong step and ended in a pool below a waterfall, thankfully she was quickly aided by Aaron and recieved no injuries although it still shook the camp a bit. One of my best friends, is by his Mom's side, as she remains in poor condidtion after suffering a stroke. I;m thankful im in this boat, safe from harm, but that cant and shouldnt stop me and anyone else from giving their all in prayer. Pray for them all, and i pray that anyone suffering in anyway realizes that whether they are in the boat or in the storm, safe or suffering, God is there. He never leaves, no matter what.
    I'm going to end by saying that this time at Tekoa is changing me, has changed me and is going to change me some more:) and im ok with that. Before i left for camp my Youth pastor Tom  gave me a challenge, I dont think he realized it but he did. he said to us one day, " pray to God, ask him to take control, let him turn your life upside down, take you in directions you never intended". When i heard that at first i brushed it off, a feat that i could not manage, control.... i cant give it up. But 3 weeks ago I found myseld sitting in my sanctuary alone, and it hit me, I was never in control and never will be, any time i spend trying to be is a futile attempt and any goal i have in life is subpar to what God has planned for me.

                     I'll try to post again soon, Chastan

P.S. Pray

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Halfway and Bittersweet

It is sunday july second, I'm halfway done with the Tekoa CIT program and I'm pretty sad, I dont want it to end so fast....This past week was AHMAZING! I love being support staff, and I feel like I've really connected with a lot of campers this past week and nothing makes me smile more than seeing them run up to me and beg me to come back next year cause they want me to be  their family group leader:) Its unbelievable the level of unconditional love and trust children have, but it pushes me t have those qualities too. By the end of these four weeks I have no Doubt that I will be as changed as any camper who leaves Tekoa. This week's talent show had some wonderful acts, the other CIT's and I decided at the last minute to do a funny skit from the little mermaid, a reenactment of "kiss the Girl". As Aaron and I were shooting hoops we decided that it would be 10 times better if we both were in the boat and one of us played Ariel. That night, when the boat rounded the corner and the crowd realized it was me they erupted in laughter. GREAT TIMES. The pastor of the week, Brad Cunningham, loved star wars and therefore the BB BOYS skit was themed to match. The kids absolutely loved it also:) Friday i got the chance to go with two groups to Dupont State Forest, I CANT BELIEVE IVE NEVER BEEN THERE. We went to high falls, triple falls and hooker falls. We slid down high falls and that was by far the high light of the trip. One of my god friends was in the cabin with a certain group that had taken a liking to me and Aaron so that definitely sparked some interesting conversations and jokes. Apparently i smell like flowers and pine needles???
     This Coming week we will be doing support staff again, I'm on another porch but i dont mind cause it's cooler and mostly quiet. Over the past two weeks I've struck up a friendship with the "Garden Man" Alex, and since this week is Barnabus week and he is being a special friend i got asked to be the GARDEN MAN. haha i know it doesn't sound like much but im super stoked:) IVe got a lot to live up too though, I guess ill need to know all about compost and plants and I'll have to talk in a british accent. (I think with a little practice I can have it covered:)) We'll I will try to post again by wednesday but we'll see.... I hope everyone is doing great, Go' Bye Mates!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Starting Off As Support Staff

Well my training is finally over!!! im doing support staff this week, and my excellent CSI has scheduled an amazing layout for my next few days! I'm hoping for a trip to Dupont:) today i helped with a group on challenge course! it was great, sometimes its a little challenging exercising authority but its getting there. Well i'll talk to yall later!
                                          -Chastan Taylor Swain

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Week One

Hey Guys, sorry i havent been able to pso\\ost anything on here, but theres  a strict no electronics policy at camp during the week. BUT now that im on here i  have alot to say in a short amount of time.
Week One has been a blast, we've spent the past 7 days going of \ver every in and out about camp. Spending time with the director and program director discussing policies and critical points to being a counselor while also being guided by our three trainers who have helped in every way imaginable. Not only is the staff supportive but so are the campers, they cheers us on all the time.
     The other CIT's are amazing, we are all very diverse, 3 guys and 4 girls, ranging in pasions from reading long novels to playing guitar. We have really bonded as a family unit over the week and have grown to encourage each other in everything.
This first week has sort of been an extended campers experience, weve taken the oppurtunity to go through all the games, activities and events that campers participate in in order to better prepare ourselves as staff. Even when the sky opened up we still went of to the meadow and flew down the slip n slide and sat in the mud pit. Camp never stops, the gears keep turning.
   Without a doubt this week has nurished my faith, and i cant help but hope that I've contributed the same to my fellow CIT's and staff and campers. Standing on the dam of the lake, watching the candelight ervice, was captivating, sing over 200 candles reflected in the still water. WOW. what a God moment. Thursday night was the talent show, we did a pretty fly skit. During the talent show this secret society of male staff inducted Aaron, Austin and I in to their club, "THE BB BOYS"  I was dubbed "chicken stew " because apparently noone here has ever heard of such a thing and my knowledge on the subject makes me a high comodity. hahah. Aaron recieved the name "Power Steering" due to the fact that his was lost on the way up here:) over all it was a great event.
    We have secret buddies at camp, fellow staff memebers who write us stuff and make us feel good, ours this week was awesome. Her name is caroline:). OH and there are 6 amazing staff memebers from all across the world. It's cool to see the light of christ spread, not just here in micrtown hendersonville, but to be carried to and from places like Bolivia and the Dominican Republic.The staff is chock full of talent, there are some killer cooks, guitarist, mandoling and ukelei players, two best friends how duet awesome folk songs and a photographer/ singer who could possibly challenge Adele. Our CSI who trained us was phenomenal. She made all the CITs feel safe, well cared for and encouraged. We wouldnt have survived without her.
   Also, some long time friendships have grown this week, apparently to the point of family ties. me and Aaron have easily been called twins a good 775 times this week. After denying the accusation for days we finally gave in, so now a good portion of the staff is under the impression that were brothers... oh well ;) anyways its been fun.
   Today was our first day off, After a trip to Hog Wild in Brevard (deliciouis) we headed up to pisgah natl forest and explored skinny dip falls and the surrounding area. Great bonding time. With 20 miles left till i hit Empty i ended up coasting the almost 20 miles back down the mountain (talk about scary) but was quickly relieved by a cone of black cherry ice cream from dolly's :)))

Pictures will come soon. It's been amazing:) continue to pray for me and all the staff and the camp in general. They're changing lives.

OH and awesome sidenote! two girls asked to be baptized and were this morning in the lake. UNBELIVEABLE moment.

Write to me ....
Chastan Swain
Camp Tekoa
PO Box 160
hendersonville nc 28793

*sorry if there are alot of grammatical mistakes, the computer is from like 1980 and im in a hurry*

Love, Chastan.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

This Is It

I'm heading off in an hour, my nerves are at a record high, this is going to be a life changing experience. AHHHHHH I cant wait to be there:) Wish me luck. I'm gonna try to post pictures and write as often as I can! Or you Can write me letters! hahah anyways, see everyone in a month
                                                            - Chastan Taylor Swain

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cuatro Dias

Camp Tekoa Bound, I cant wait to be in hendersonville, NC spreading the word of God, in one of his most amazing creations ever...the blue ridge mountains:) It's gonna be a blast, 4 weeks of non-stop action, canoeing, ropes course, you name it.... 4 Days!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Let It Begin

Tomorrow will mark the 180th day of school, the last day, the end all be all.... But really, its just the begining of a wonderful summer, from Camp Tekoa to Smith Mountain Lake, Vanderbilt to Wilmington, I will be a Viator, a Traveler. My Intent is to use this blog, to show my travels, and share my experiences. Let it begin.