Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Boiling Point

I've come to accept that the world isn't fair. There has to be a winner for there to be a loser, a first for there to be a last. But in what parallel universe does coming in first justify getting valued last. After working hard for the past 4 years in high school, placing in the top twenty and maintaing a 4.8 weighted gpa I recieve less accolades than another student with lower credentials due to their race and or income level. I support making the playing field equal for all aspiring students and sadly our country has deep rooted prejudices that have caused c ertain requirements to be placed on opportunities to ensure that aid is given fairly. The issue arrises when the balance is over-righted and it becomes just as unfair as it was in previous eras but in the opposite direction. Our mindset has become SO politically correct that universities and buisnesses overlook the total quality of their applicants in order to maintain ethnically and socailly balanced statistics.
   We are a nation founded on capitalism and a free market which is slowly dying, (ironically it has a positive correlation with our economy) and the question must be raised, Why did we change? A capitalist society allows for a natural filtration system to occur, placing like qualities together, promoting strong and healthy buisnesses and phasing out the weak. Would you ever see a MBA or NFL team turn down a star athelete because he would "disrupt their ethnic ratio". No, you wouldnt and if you did you would call them a pansy team with no hope of success.
I am not advocating for a complete abandonment of needbased scholarships and aid but I am asking that universities and businesses take a look at how far we've come and possibly reign in their policies, allowing us to regain a balanced medium. I am asking that they view me as a student based on my achievements,my failures and my character instead of my skin color and how much money my parents make.

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